

Get inspired by an overview of the ways in which imec’s technologies can transform your industry.

Are you looking for means to disrupt your market and take a lead on your competitors? Then find out how nano- and digital technologies can enhance your product or solution.

The power of silicon technology to increase intelligence, add new functionalities, bring down costs, ... opens opportunities that reach far beyond the traditional tech market into application domains such as health, agrifood, automotive and many more.

Click on the pictures below to explore the added value that imec’s technology portfolio can bring to your industry.

Advanced semiconductor process technology
Semiconductor technology

From exploration to implementation, imec is your partner to develop the next generations of semiconductor technology.

Life sciences and health solutions
Life sciences and health solutions

Leverage our R&D and innovation services for your breakthroughs in advanced precision medicine and genomic solutions – enabling a revolution in prevention

Data and telecommunication
Data and telecommunication

Partner with imec to develop and fabricate your next generations of radios and communication technology.

Automotive technologies
Automotive semiconductor technologies

Tap into imec’s expertise to speed up your development of components for tomorrow’s supercomputers on wheels.

Robotics technology for Industry
Advanced robotics technology for Industry 4.0

Design and fabricate electronic components, sensors, and imagers that will enable systems that change how we make things.

Agrifood technology
Agrifood technology

Imec explores new sensing, analytics, and decision support tools by combining innovative hardware and data science. The goal: technology-based sustainable and h

Nanoelectronics for space exploration
Nanoelectronics for space exploration

Leverage imec’s innovative technologies and radiation-hardening capabilities for a new generation of satellites for Earth and space exploration.

Sustainable energy and power technologies
Sustainable energy and power technologies

Partner with imec to get a permanent front seat in the forthcoming energy revolution.

Smarter consumer electronics
Smarter consumer electronics

Make your consumer electronics more interactive, immersive, and interconnected.

Home automation
Home automation

Explore the technology that enables the next wave of smart buildings – intuitive working and living spaces that adapt so people feel comfortable, safe, and he