/Single-Phase Liquid Cooling For Chip Coolers Using Flow Optimization In Nozzles Fabricated By Advanced Manufacturing Techniques

Single-Phase Liquid Cooling For Chip Coolers Using Flow Optimization In Nozzles Fabricated By Advanced Manufacturing Techniques

PhD - Leuven | Just now

The Hot AI Chips Need Coolers

Single-Phase Liquid Cooling For Chip Coolers Using Flow Optimization In Nozzles Fabricated By Advanced Manufacturing Techniques


The Hot AI Chips Need Coolers



This research aims to develop and optimize single-phase water cooling techniques for microchips using advanced manufacturing methods such as micro electrical discharge machining (EDM), micro electrochemical machining (ECM) and additive manufacturing (AM) to fabricate nozzle arrays with optimized nozzle profiles and array arrangement. The study will explore different materials and nozzle profiles to induce specific flow patterns that enhance heat transfer from advanced microchips. The project will involve the design, optimization, and fabrication of nozzle arrays with complex nozzle profiles followed by thermofluid characterization.



Effective chip cooling is essential due to the increasing heat generated by powerful microchips, especially AI chips, which require significant cooling to operate at peak performance and maintain reliability. AI chips, with their high-power consumption and heat generation, pose immense thermal challenges that demand innovative cooling solutions. One of the widely used methods is direct liquid cooling where nozzle design plays a critical role in enhancing heat transfer by inducing specific flow patterns, preventing recirculation zones, and minimizing pressure drops to optimize thermofluid metrics for improved heat transfer in single-phase cooling. Advanced manufacturing methods, such as electrical discharge machining (EDM) electrochemical machining and additive manufacturing, enable the fabrication of very complex nozzle profiles with high precision and efficiency in difficult to process materials. These techniques allow for the creation of intricate geometries that optimize cooling performance and ensure reliability of the cooling systems.




1. Design and optimize nozzle geometry for single-phase water cooling to enhance heat transfer.

2. Fabricate nozzles using EDM, ECM, and AM techniques.

3. Investigate the impact of nozzle geometry on fluid flow and heat transfer efficiency.

4. Assess the mechanical reliability and manufacturability of different materials for nozzle fabrication.


Research Plan:

1. Design and Optimization of Nozzle Profiles:

  • Investigate nozzle profiles that induce beneficial flow patterns, prevent recirculation zones, and minimize pressure drops.
  • Use computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations to optimize nozzle geometry, spacing, and pitch.
  • Consider manufacturing constraints in the design space to ensure practical fabrication
  • Conduct thermofluid simulations to determine the optimal arrangement of nozzles within a single-phase direct liquid cooler.

2. Nozzle Array Fabrication Using micro EDM, micro ECM and metal AM.

  • Utilize these methods to fabricate precise nozzle profiles.
  • Evaluate different materials for their manufacturability, heat transfer properties, and reliability.
  • Explore manufacturing methods for integration of nozzle arrays within the liquid cooler.


3. Thermal Characterization and Validation:

  • Use thermal test chips with integrated heaters and sensors to measure temperature distribution and heat transfer performance within an in-house thermofluid test rig.
  • Conduct experiments within a flow test rig to validate CFD model findings and optimize designs.


Expected Outcome:

Optimized single-phase direct liquid coolers using nozzle arrays with optimal nozzle design and nozzle array configurations using computational methods and advanced manufacturing techniques to maximize the thermal efficiency of single-phase direct water cooling


Required background: Students with science and technology backgrounds e.g. physics and engineering science / technology with an interest in both modelling and experimental research are encouraged to apply. The candidate should have a collaborative mindset and be willing to cooperate with experts with multidisciplinary backgrounds.


Type of Work: 40% design and modelling, 20% experimental characterization, 40% prototype manufacturing.


Supervisory team:

Promotors: Prof. Dr. Ir. Houman Zahedmanesh (promotor), Prof. Dr. Ir. Dominiek Reynaerts (co-promotor), Prof. Dr. Ir. Bey Vrancken (co-promotor), Dr. Ir. Herman Oprins (co-promotor)

Daily Advisor: Dr. Ir. Deewakar Sharma, Dr. Ir. Vladimir Cherman





[2] How AI is Bringing Liquid Cooling into Chip Manufacturing. https://www.nvent.com/en-us/resources/news/how-ai-is-bringing-liquid-cooling-into-chip-manufacturing.

[3] Cooling High Power Dissipating Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chips Using .... https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation?paperid=135386.

[4] How AI is Bringing Liquid Cooling into Chip Manufacturing. https://www.nvent.com/en-us/resources/news/how-ai-is-bringing-liquid-cooling-into-chip-manufacturing.

[5] Cooling High Power Dissipating Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chips Using .... https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation?paperid=135386.

[6] webpage of the additive manufacturing group, KU Leuven. https://www.mech.kuleuven.be/en/research/am

[7] webpage of Micro-Nano Manufacturing group, KU Leuven. https://www.mech.kuleuven.be/en/research-old/mpe/research/micro-nano-manufacturing

Required background: Science and technology backgrounds e.g. physics and engineering science / technology with an interest in both modelling and experimental research and with a collaborative mindset.

Type of work: 40% design and modelling, 20% experimental characterization, 40% prototype manufacturing.

Supervisor: Houman Zahedmanesh

Co-supervisor: Herman Oprins

Daily advisor: Vladimir Cherman, Deewakar Sharma

The reference code for this position is 2025-186. Mention this reference code on your application form.

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