/Develop AI based process quality control for advanced semiconductor process development

Develop AI based process quality control for advanced semiconductor process development

Master projects/internships - Leuven | More than two weeks ago

This projects aims to improve the quality and the speed of advanced semiconductor processing through introduction of new AI based quality control protocols.
Advanced semiconductor process development requires a large amount of in process control to ensure the results of the processes under development are within the predefined expectations.  It is easy to imagine that the interpretation of the results is not always obvious to the operator and engineers that are responsible for the correct execution of the processes.  Hence, additional assessment from the experiment owners is added to the process flow to ensure highest possible quality by correct decision making.

While the quality in development is of utmost importance, high development speed is mandatory to ensure the expected time to market for the newly developed devices.  Ensuring high quality while keeping up the highest possible development pace is a huge challenge since these two actors work against each other.

The aim of this work is to develop, validate and finally introduce new AI based quality control methodologies that will support the ambition of high speed, high quality process development.  New developed AI algorithms for data interpretation will be tested in the real processing environment in imec's cleanroom. The quality of the AI based results will be assessed by setting up the necessary validations where data interpretation from the process and device experts is compared to the AI based results.  After positive evaluations, it is the intention to embed these new methodologies for cleanroom processing.  Successful introduction of these new quality control techniques will have a large positive impact on the expected development performance in imec's cleanroom

Type of project: Internship

Required degree: Master of Science, Master of Engineering Science

Required background: Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Supervising scientist(s): For further information or for application, please contact: Serge Vanhaelemeersch (Serge.Vanhaelemeersch@imec.be)

Imec allowance will be provided.

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