/Development of direct bonding of III-V dies to Si wafer

Development of direct bonding of III-V dies to Si wafer

Master projects/internships - Leuven | More than two weeks ago

In the frame of this internship you will fully develop an advanced bonding process to enable the integration of III-V dies on Si wafers for next generations of heterogeneous integrated semiconductors.
III-V semiconductors have arisen as promising candidate for a myriad of technological developments such as: RF, optoelectronics, or photovoltaics; thanks to their unmatched opto-electronics properties. Ideally these materials would need to be co-integrated on Si to enable to use the advantages of III-V and Si on the same platform. One key development needed to enable this integration is the development of III-V dies bonding to Si. This is not as straightforward as for Si dies bonding to Si wafers due to several hurdles to be overcome. The first hurdle is the different size of III-V wafers and Si wafers which limit the process of III-V in a Si-CMOS production line. Secondly the specificiations on wafers geometry (mainly thickness tolerance) is different between these two. Finally the thermal expansion difference between III-V and Si might lead to difficulties during the post processing of the bonded dies.
In the frame of this this internship the main goal will be to developp a process which enables to overcome the different hurdles foreseen. If the first goal is reached a secondary goal focusing on the reuse of the III-V substrate to enable a more sustainable process will be explored.

Type of project: Internship

Duration: 6 months

Required degree: Master of Engineering Technology, Master of Science, Master of Engineering Science

Required background: Chemistry/Chemical Engineering, Electromechanical engineering, Energy, Materials Engineering, Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Physics

Supervising scientist(s): For further information or for application, please contact: Francois Chancerel (Francois.Chancerel@imec.be)

Only for self-supporting students.

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