/Characterization of MEMS based structures for high pressure fluidic circuitry.

Characterization of MEMS based structures for high pressure fluidic circuitry.

Master projects/internships - Leuven | More than two weeks ago

Investigation on CMOS-compatible active fluidics

Active fluidics is an essential part of lab-on-chip applications. Further R&D is crucial to improve the functionality and scalability of these chips. Nowadays, most active fluidics are fabricated on the PDMS platform, which is not trivial to integrate with CMOS-based devices. Here at IMEC, we are developing active fluidics compatible with the CMOS platform for optimal integration.

The goal of the master's thesis/internship project will be to characterize the transducing properties of MEMS devices. The work will be primarily experimental, supported by analytical and FEM simulations to further develop an understanding of these devices. The student will work in close collaboration with a researcher throughout the project.

During the project, the student will gain an understanding of the basic principles of electrostatics and MEMS, as well as experimental techniques, imaging, and data processing. The project output will serve as a reliable source of information for designers to develop the next generation of actuators in fluidic circuitry.

Type of project: Thesis, Internship

Duration: 6 months

Required degree: Master of Science, Master of Engineering Science

Required background: Mechanical Engineering, Electromechanical engineering

Supervising scientist(s): For further information or for application, please contact: Pieter Vlugter (Pieter.Vlugter@imec.be)

Imec allowance will be provided for students studying at a non-Belgian university.

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