/Expertise/Health technologies/Medical imaging

Medical imaging

Advanced imaging technology for enhanced and compact medical-grade imaging

The challenge

From the largest MRI scanners to the smallest endoscopy cameras, the healthcare sector is pushing for medical imaging systems that deliver more and better data. At the same time, many applications demand more compact systems – whether to improve portability or open up new ways of visualizing the human body.

Advanced chip technology allows you to address both these trends simultaneously. Through high levels of integration at the chip level, you can deliver more and enhanced functionality from smaller chips. This could be additional sensors for more imaging modalities, processing power to improve image quality or wireless communications for real-time data transfer.

Imaging modules and concepts

Imec offers an extensive selection of IP covering a wide range of imaging modules and concepts. This includes areas such as hyperspectral and time domain / line scan imaging, photonics enabled sensors and imagers, acoustic wave imaging and tomography and a wide range of sensors extending beyond imaging. Combined with expertise in custom design on silicon and the ability to tailor this general IP to the highly specific requirements of medical imaging, we help you deliver exactly the data that your application needs.

Other application domains



Pushing the boundaries of assay performance


Genomics and sequencing 4.0

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Cell and gene therapy

Silicon paving the way for cell and gene therapies


Process Analytical Technologies

Use chip technology to shift to fast and accurate online and inline testing