/PhD vacancy mathematical algorithms and network theory

PhD vacancy mathematical algorithms and network theory

Gent | More than two weeks ago


The research Group IDLab (www.idlab.ugent.be) is one of the research groups of the faculty of Engineering and Architecture at UGent. It is also part of IMEC (www.imec.be). Within IDLab there is a research unit working on graph-theoretical and mathematical aspects of networks in its broadest sense: we work in the field of ICT networks, transportation and logistics, bio-informatics, etc...
The research is aimed at scientific innovation and valorization, and research projects are often performed in close cooperation with industry. In these projects, a good and fundamental scientific analysis of the problem at hand is always indispensable, which requires deep mathematical insight and competences. The key challenges are to design a good scientific model of the problem at hand, and then to work towards a good solution from an engineering perspective.

Working as a scientist within this environment of the IDLab group can be a truly enriching experience. You will gain a lot of expertise within different application domains and the stimulating interdisciplinary environment at IMEC will allow you to work with important players in the field, giving you a valuable insight in the industry. We work with a very diverse range of industrial and governmental actors: big companies like Arcelor-Mittal, Proximus, Western Digital, Nokia, Telenet; small and medium sized enterprises like Androme, Be-Mobile, Comsof, DigiPolis, OneAccess, Televic, ZapFi; as well as organizations and institutions like De Lijn, city of Ghent, Farys, different hospitals, etc.

The research topic DNA (short for “Design of Networking Algorithms”) studies data structures and algorithms for networking in its broadest sense: from social networks over biological networks to transportation networks.
Indeed, the group started research on telecommunication network algorithms, but quickly found innovative ways to apply these techniques to other networking-related domains. From a theoretical point-of-view, the data structures and algorithms are the same, and as such the group’s expertise and code-base is highly valued in both academic as well as industrial environments.

The main focus lies in the research and development of high-performance code, combining advanced data structures with sophisticated algorithms, and creating in-house libraries to tackle new challenges and push the frontiers of science even further. In this respect we are looking for researchers who are able to bring together both fundamental and pragmatic skills, in order to apply the results in industry.

What you will do

  • You perform scientific research in the domain of algorithms and graph-theory.
  • You acquire an elaborate knowledge of mathematical algorithms, specifically in the field of graph-algorithms. This is done on-the-job via literature study of scientific publications as well as via meetings with colleagues with technical background from the department. Finally, attending some specific courses in the faculty of engineering will broaden your view.
  • You are involved in the design and analysis of new data-structures and algorithms with applications in different domains e.g. transport & logistics, bio-informatics, etc...
  • You implement your solution and assess the quality of the results. If necessary, you reiterate the fundamental analysis and practical implementation until satisfactory solutions are reached.
  • You transform your work from a purely theoretical & fundamental viewpoint towards a practically oriented solution, often in collaboration with the industry.
  • You publish and present results both at international conferences and in scientific journals.

What we do for you

We offer a challenging, stimulating and pleasant research environment where you can contribute to solving real-life mathematics problems with a clear scientific, societal as well as economic value. The work is often done in collaboration with industry players. We foresee a competitive remuneration and the possibility to obtain a PhD degree in engineering. You will receive a full time scholarship with temporary employment (1+3 years) with yearly progress evaluation.

Who you are

In order to perform high-quality research in the IDLab research group we are looking for clever and motivated researchers who like to work on fundamental scientific problems. We are looking for candidates with the following qualifications and skills:

  • Holder of a university degree in mathematics, physics or computer science.
  • Strong mathematical skills.
  • Proven (e.g. student project, master thesis,...) strong analytical skills for designing models and analyzing research results.
  • You work independently, have a strong feeling of responsibility and are able to commit to timings and milestones set forward by different research projects.
  • You have programming experience.


If you are interested in this job opening and your profile corresponds to the full description, please contact us via e-mail to mario.pickavet@ugent.be.

Your submission should contain your letter with motivation, resume and transcripts, all in PDF. Incomplete submissions will be disregarded.


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