/Characterization and modelling of polymers used as packaging materials in photovoltaic modules

Characterization and modelling of polymers used as packaging materials in photovoltaic modules

Genk | More than two weeks ago

Contribute towards PV modules with enhanced durability by investigating the properties of the packaging materials.

One of the challenges in our research group is the investigation of materials and encapsulation concepts for the next generation of photovoltaic (PV) modules, such as integrated and/or lightweight PV, in order to improve their durability. The topic of this work aims to develop models for the accurate representation of the complex behaviour of packaging polymeric materials in PV modules (i.e., encapsulant, front or backsheet). To achieve this objective, different properties (e.g. mechanical properties, moisture absorption, cross-linking degree) of the materials need to be characterised and fitted to high-fidelity material models that capture such behaviour. Part of this work will be performed within the frame of a European project, MC2.0, in collaboration with national and international partners.


Type of project: Thesis

Required degree: Master of Engineering Technology

Supervising scientist(s): For further information or for application, please contact: Nikoleta Kyranaki (Nikoleta.Kyranaki@imec.be) and Marta Casasola Paesa (Marta.CasasolaPaesa@imec.be)

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