/Artifact-Tolerant Analog Frontend for Neuromodulation Systems in High-Voltage BCD Technology

Artifact-Tolerant Analog Frontend for Neuromodulation Systems in High-Voltage BCD Technology

Leuven | More than two weeks ago

Recording Amidst Stimulation: Pioneering Next-Gen Neural Interfaces
This project aims to achieve a low-noise neural amplifier for use in multichannel bidirectional neural interface systems. It needs to tolerate a common-mode input voltage of up to 10Vpp that comes from stimulation artifacts. At the same time, it must maintain its ability to amplify differential input signals with moderate gain (>50x) and good linearity (<1% THD). This amplifier will be developed further from imec IP to be ready to tape out (design, simulation, and layout) in high-voltage BCD technology.

Type of project: Combination of internship and thesis

Duration: 1 year

Required degree: Master of Engineering Science

Required background: Electrotechnics/Electrical Engineering, Biomedical engineering

Supervising scientist(s): For further information or for application, please contact: Chutham Sawigun (Chutham.Sawigun@imec.be)

Imec allowance will be provided for students studying at a non-Belgian university.

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