Master projects/internships - Genk | More than two weeks ago
Integration of photovoltaic (PV) modules in buildings is crucial to comply with the current “nearly-zero energy building” EU requirement and with the upcoming “zero-energy emission buildings” EU directive. However, such integration comes with a number of challenges. First of all, the complexity of the urban fabric leads to significant partial shading of building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) modules, which strongly reduces the productivity of the photovoltaic system when conventional PV modules are used. Secondly, BIPV modules are typically subject to higher operating temperatures owing to lack of proper ventilation from the back, which does not only reduce their energy yield but also impact the reliability and lifetime of the integrated electronics. Finally, since BIPV modules are replacing conventional building material, fire safety in BIPV installations must be tackled carefully. Notably, the major cause of fire in PV systems is the wear-out of cables and connectors during its installation. Cable-less PV modules can help overcoming especially this latter challenge.
This project will focus on developing PV modules able to transfer power wirelessly to the building. The primary focus of the research will be on identifying the most suitable wireless power transfer (WPT) approach - capacitive or inductive - and design accordingly both the sender (which will be installed on the PV module) and the receiver circuits.
The successful candidate will start with a comprehensive literature review to identify relevant WPT approaches and related power converters. Afterwards, he/she/they will design the power converter for a specific study case and validate its operation through circuit simulations. Possibly, he/she/they will also test the proposed solution experimentally.
The work will be conducted in the newly built laboratories at imec in EnergyVille, Genk, working withing the Energy Systems team.
Skills required: Good comprehension of scientific articles; good knowledge of power electronics and circuit simulation software such as PLECS and LTSpice. Knowledge of photovoltaic technology is a plus.
Type of project: Thesis, Combination of internship and thesis
Required degree: Master of Engineering Technology, Master of Science, Master of Engineering Science
Supervising scientist(s): For further information or for application, please contact: Patrizio Manganiello (