/Design of high efficiency power amplifiers for FR3 band in GaN

Design of high efficiency power amplifiers for FR3 band in GaN

Master projects/internships - Leuven | Just now

FR3 is coming. Its time to explore the new possibilities in transmitter design.

As we transition to the next generation of wireless communication standards, the newly proposed frequency range FR3 will play a pivotal role. FR3, also termed the upper mid-band, spans from 7.125 to 24.25 GHz and offers the best of both FR1 and FR2 bands. It combines higher bandwidth than FR1, facilitating high-speed data transmission, and lower propagation loss than FR2, making it suitable for urban settings.
As with any other frequency bands, the transmitter, particularly the power amplifier (PA), will be crucial in determining the energy efficiency of the wireless communication system in FR3. For an effective communication system, it is essential to achieve high output power while maintaining high efficiency. This thesis will explore and design transmitter architectures that meet these criteria. Given the high-power requirements, Gallium Nitride (GaN) technology will be utilized, and highly efficient PA architectures, such as class F or F-1, will be investigated at the 13 GHz band. Subsequently, more advanced architectures, like a balanced PA, will be designed.
The thesis work will begin with a literature study, identification of bottlenecks, and proposing ideas to improve the efficiency of power amplifiers. This will be followed by schematic and layout implementations, including full EM extraction and optimization. Throughout this thesis, the student will work closely with researchers at imec, enriching the learning experience.

Type of Project: Thesis 

Master's degree: Master of Engineering Technology; Master of Engineering Science; Master of Science 

Master program: Electrotechnics/Electrical Engineering 

Duration: 1 year 

Supervisor: Piet Wambacq (VUB) 

For more information or application, please contact Anirudh Praveen Kankuppe Raghavendra Swamy (anirudhpraveen.kankupperaghavendraswamy@imec.be).

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