April 17 - 18, 2023 | Vienna, Austria
The leading Conference for Nanoimprint Lithography and its Applications
April 17th, 3.20 p.m. - Eleonora Storace
Optimisation of nano-pattering for large-area high-density layouts
The NILindustrialday is an international annual meeting focusing on industrial applications of Nanoimprint Lithography. The program consists of invited speakers from industry (users and equipment suppliers) as well as from applied research. The technical and scientific program is always accompanied by an exhibition. The location of the NILindustrialday usually changes between Austria and Germany. The first NILindustrialday was organized in March 2013 hosted by PROFACTOR, the coordinator of the NILaustria project cluster, as the succeeding event of the NaPaNil Industrialday (hosted by micro resist technology). In 2023 it will finally take place again as a physical event after one Corona-related cancellation in 2020 and two online events in 2021 and 2022.