/Mobile World Conference

Mobile World Conference

February 28 - March 03, 2022 | Barcelona


Imec will be present with a meetingroom: 2F6MR

If you want to meet up with us contact us connectivity@imec.be to talk about:

  • GaN/InP devices and their CMOS integration to enable 6G
  • Low power, high-precision UWB
  • Record-breaking high-speed ADCs
  • Compact high-resolution 140GHz imaging radar in CMOS

Event details

MWC Barcelona is the world’s most influential event for the connectivity industry. It’s where world-leading companies and trailblazers share the latest thought leadership about the progression and future of connectivity. And it’s the best place for networking opportunities with mobile and tech industry influencers.

MWC Barcelona is attended by global mobile operators, device manufacturers, technology providers, vendors, and content owners. MWC Barcelona is the place to be seen, exhibit ground-breaking products and technologies, and make remarkable connections with senior decision-makers, creators, and innovators in the industry.

We look forward to MWC Barcelona 2022 with renewed optimism and ambition.

Together, we will shape the future of connectivity. It’s time to reconnect, reimagine, and reinvent for industry success.

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