December 11, 2024 | Online
This webinar is dedicated to the production of NIL-Master. Our expert Dr. Matt Traub from imec will take us along and present various options of this technology. Nanoimprint lithography provides a connection between the expensive precision of CMOS and the manufacturing of lower cost devices. The production of NIL masters using deep ultra-violet photolithography allows high-resolution, high-density layouts to be achieved over large areas and replicated with great materials flexibility. This presentation will cover several example cases, including pattern transfer of extremely dense nanohole networks in low-index material, pattern transfer of optical gratings to a high-index dielectric, and fabrication of multi-step optical elements in functional resist.
The online event series has been offered monthly by micro resist technology since 2021. Each one hour webinar consists of a presentation by one of our specialist colleagues or partner, followed by a moderated questions and answers with the specialist. Please join us for the online seminar. More information and a constantly updated webinar agenda can be found here: