/Materials for Sustainable Development

Materials for Sustainable Development

March 03 - 07, 2025 | Sevilla, Spain

This multisymposium conference dives into the progress that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to satisfy their own demands. The drive for sustainability in materials science and technology encompasses alternative energy technologies to mitigate problems with fossil-fuel technologies, and to increase energy efficiency, as well as the mitigation of undesirable environmental impacts from technology and economic growth; the efficient use of materials, the formation of a healthy and safe environment, and many others.

The Conference consists on a combination of symposia of basic and multidisciplinary science, and applied symposia focused on Sustainable Development areas.


Presentation on 'Development of Experimental Model Systems for the Investigation of Electronic and Ionic Transport Through Active Cathode Interfaces in Li-ion Batteries', by Rodrigo Lopez, Doctoral Student at KU Leuven, March 3rd 15:30h, Hotel Melia, Room 11 Estepa.


This multisymposium conference dives into the progress that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to satisfy their own demands. The drive for sustainability in materials science and technology encompasses alternative energy technologies to mitigate problems with fossil-fuel technologies, and to increase energy efficiency, as well as the mitigation of undesirable environmental impacts from technology and economic growth; the efficient use of materials, the formation of a healthy and safe environment, and many others.
The Conference consists on a combination of symposia of basic and multidisciplinary science, and applied symposia focused on Sustainable Development areas.

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