/Hello Tomorrow 2024

Hello Tomorrow 2024

20 - 22 March 2024 | Paris, France

Unlocking the power of deep tech to solve our toughest global challenges


imec, imec.IC-link and imec.xpand will be present. 

Bert Gyselinckx of imec.xpand will introduce the Advanced Computing & Electronics panel on 22nd March 

Event Details

Bringing together a global, interdisciplinary community of thousands of startups, industry leaders, investors, and regulators, Hello Tomorrow organises conferences and networking events every year in over 10 countries.

Deep tech days

Paris (in-person)
March 18th – 22nd, 2024

Four days to uncover what the future of emerging technology holds, connect key people bringing solutions from lab to market, and strengthen the deep tech investment network.

Global summit

Paris (in-person at CENTQUATRE)
March 21st & 22nd, 2024

Deepen your knowledge of emerging technologies and strengthen your business amongst a curated guest list of over 3000 leaders in their fields.

Investor day

Paris (in-person)
March 20th
, 2024

The perfect place to have dedicated, to 1-to-1 meetings with the very best deep tech startups and most prominent VCs and CVCs in the world.


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