/GSA Automotive Workshop “The Rise of Edge AI in Automotive”

GSA Automotive Workshop “The Rise of Edge AI in Automotive”

March 27, 2025 | Munich, Germany

A team from McKinsey & Company will moderate this highly interactive, in-person workshop, which will also include keynotes from automotive thought leaders.


Dieter Hoffend, Business Director Automotive Sector imec, will give a talk on Chiplets, more information to follow.


A team from McKinsey & Company will moderate this highly interactive, in-person workshop, which will also include keynotes from automotive thought leaders.

This workshop is strictly invitation-only, with 50 selected attendees representing the entire automotive value chain. If you can add value to the discussion, please reach out to automotive@gsaglobal.org to be considered for an invitation. Priority will be given to GSA members, automotive OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers.