March 30 - April 03, 2025 | Monterey, CA, USA
IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS) is the premiere conference for engineers and scientists to present new and original work in the area of microelectronics reliability.
Presentation on 'Dielectric breakdown analysis on bottom and top-gated IGZO-TFT', by Simon Van Beek (PMTS), Tuesday, April 1 2025 at 4:05 PM in Regency Main.
Presentation on 'Local Electric Field–Aware 3D TDDB model for BEOL reliability predictions', by Yu Rang, Researcher, Wednesday, 2 April 2025, 10:45am - 12:50pm.
Presentation on 'Impact of Mechanical Stress on IGZO TFTs: Enhancing PBTI Degradation', by Kavita Vishwakarma + Researcher (Marie Curie Postdoc Researcher), 10:45am - 12:50pm, Wednesday, 2 April 2025 & Regency Main (Hyatt Regency Monterey, USA).
Presentation on '8B.5 - Gate Stack Development for Next Gen High Voltage Periphery DRAM Devices', by Joao Bastos, Researcher, Wednesday, 2 April 2025, 5:20pm - 5:50pm , Regency hotel.
Presentation on 'I/O Circuit and Sub-5V ESD Protection for Advanced Bonding Interfaces', by Mihael Krilčić, PhD Student, 6:00pm - 9:00pm, Wednesday, 2 April 2025.
Presentation on 'Insights into MOSFET Operation and Reliability Through 1/f Noise” - ORAL paper presentation: “Impact of Gate Metal Work Function on 1/f Noise in RMG MOSFETs', by Ruben Asanovski, Researcher, 31st March at 08.30AM in Monterey (CA), USA - ORAL paper presentation: 2nd April at 03.15PM in Monterey (CA), USA.
Presentation on 'Evolution of GaN HEMT Small-Signal parameters during semi-on state for RF/mm-wave applications', by Aarti Rathi, Researcher, 2nd April 2025, 6-9pm, Monterey Ballroom.
Presentation on 'TDDB reliability improvement of low thermal budget RMG stacks', by Giorgio Molinaro, PhD student, Wednesday April 2 – 6:00pm-9:00pm – Monterey Ballroom.
Presentation on 'Effects of Temperature and Device-to-Device Variability in pFET-Based Bias Temperature Instability Reservoir Computing', by Yuangyang Guo, 9:05am - 10:45am Thursday, 3 April 2025, location: Regency IV-V-VI Hyatt Regency Monterey.
IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS) is the premiere conference for engineers and scientists to present new and original work in the area of microelectronics reliability. Drawing participants from the United States, Europe, Asia, and all other parts of the world, IRPS seeks to understand the reliability of semiconductor devices, integrated circuits, and microelectronic assemblies through an improved understanding of both the physics of failure as well as the application environment. IRPS provides numerous opportunities for attendees to increase their knowledge and understanding of all aspects of microelectronics reliability. It is also an outstanding chance to meet and network with reliability colleagues from around the world.