Read the full article on Novus Light Technologies Today: Lithography: A proven option for next-gen mobile OLED displays - Novus Light Today.

Dr. Tung-Huei Ke obtained BSc and Ph.D. degrees at National Taiwan University in 2003 and 2009, respectively. He was the visiting scholar in TU Dresden in Prof. Karl Leo’s group and in Kyushu University in Prof. Chihaya Adachi’s group for high-performance OLED and OLET studies in 2007 and 2008, respectively. Dr. Ke joined imec, Belgium in 2011 as technical lead in a cross-nation European Union project (COSMIC) for organic CMOS technology development for ultra-low power logic applications. Since 2013, Dr. Ke has been working on developing integration techniques to employ organic semiconductors for hybrid electronics applications. He currently focuses on the photolithography processes to realize high-resolution OLED/PD array side-by-side and the corresponding degradation mechanisms of the organic devices caused by the extrinsic processes.
Published on:
26 April 2021